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Dental Exams in Westport, CT

Comprehensive Dental Exam

Imperial Dental Associates provides comprehensive dental services in Westport, CT. Call 203-227-2520 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

The dental examination is a diagnostic evaluation of a patient’s overall oral health and hygiene.

During a dental examination, the doctor or hygienist may…

  • check for signs of decay or periodontal disease
  • ask about any medications
  • x-ray using low radiation digital imaging
  • evaluate occlusion (bite)
  • evaluate jaw
  • discuss proper cleaning
  • remove stains or debris
  • take a dental impression

The doctor or hygienist may also perform an oral cancer exam. This involves feeling around the cheeks, gums, and tongue, under the jaw, and the sides of the neck for signs of oral cancer.

Looking for a practice in the Westport area? Contact us at 203-227-2520 to schedule an appointment today!

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

15 Imperial Ave
Westport, CT 06880
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