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Special Needs Dentistry in Westport, CT

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What Is Special Needs Dentistry?

Special needs dentistry refers to the treatment of patients with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities. We provide dental services for patients of all ages who need specific accommodations.

Imperial Dental Associates provides special needs dentistry in Westport, CT. To learn more, call 203-227-2520 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Benefits of Special Needs Dentistry

Choose a dentist that provides special needs dentistry has a wide variety of benefits for patients and their caregivers:

  • Accommodations. A dental practice that welcomes patients with special needs will have the necessary equipment and accommodations needed to provide safe and effective dental care.
  • Trained dentists and team. Dentists and staff are specially trained to provide care for patients with a wide variety of disabilities, and do so with compassion and patience.
  • Patients get essential dental care. Receiving dental care can be a challenge for patients with special needs, but the right dental practice can make it possible for patients to get the essential dental care they need.

Why Choose Imperial Dental Associates?

If you are the parent or caregiver of a person with special needs, you know how important it is to find a dentist who is willing to accommodate your loved one. We welcome all patients, including those with special needs of all kinds. We understand that some patients need to see familiar faces and surroundings to feel safe and secure. Other patients need to receive dental care in their own wheelchair and accessible accommodations throughout the office. Please let us know how we can make your experience or that of your loved one as comfortable and positive as possible.

We would be happy to schedule a consultation to meet new patients and learn about their needs so that we can be prepared to provide effective care.

Procedures Offered

All of our dental services are available for patients with special needs, including:

Frequently Asked Questions About Special Needs Dentistry

What type of special needs are you prepared to provide for?
We have the training and experience necessary to provide care for patients with a wide range of special needs. We find a way to accommodate the needs of all patients, whatever those may be.
Do you provide dentistry for patients with autism spectrum disorders?
We are prepared to provide dental care for neurodiverse patients that have various forms of autism.
Can you treat patients in wheelchairs?
Patients who use wheelchairs for mobility may need to receive dental care in their own wheelchair, and we are prepared to do that if necessary.
How often do special needs patients need dental care?
Routine dental care is recommended every 6 months for all patients. However, if it is a particular hardship, yearly visits may suffice, depending on the individual needs of the patient.
Is your office equipped for patients with special needs?
We have the necessary tools and equipment to accommodate patients with a wide variety of physical, mental, and emotional needs.
How should we prepare for a dental visit?
If you are the parent or caregiver of a special needs patient, it helps to prepare the patient before the appointment. They may need to come into the office to meet the dentist and staff before their actual appointment. It also helps to talk about the appointment at home to help the patient prepare mentally and emotionally for what will happen.

Contact Us

Call 203-227-2520 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

15 Imperial Ave
Westport, CT 06880
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